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[Group Buy] Tarot Magick Video Course by Orlee Stewart


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This tarot course will teach you how to read, interpret, and understand all the cards in any tarot deck through the sophisticated system illustrated in the Thoth tarot. We will explore the occult symbolism, kabbalah, elemental and planetary aspects, spirit and demonic relationships, numerology, and gematria of the cards in order to give you a cohesive understanding of the tarot so you can design rituals with it. I also teach you exercises on how to enhance your psychic abilities for intuitive readings and spirit communication.

Course length = 8 and a half hours

Learning how to work with the cards in depth through cartomancy is only the beginning. When people think about tarot cards, visions of psychic readings and divination of the past and future come to mind. Those applications are but a fragment of the power of tarot which is a highly sophisticated system of the elements of our universe that we can develop into potent magical operations. The 78 cards of the tarot can transcend their traditional use in spirituality into the most creative of rituals, designed with both their astral essences and magical formulae. Once you have learned how to unlock the portals represented by each card, it reveals the components of our reality and places them into the hands of the magician. A traditional tarot course will teach you about the cards and how to read them and I wanted to create something different, for those like myself who want to not only learn the tarot but also work with the cards in their ritual practice for witchcraft and ceremonial magick.

In this course you will learn how to go beyond reading the cards to working with them in spiritual ceremonies. We will explore how to travel to the worlds of the cards and how they teach us about the nature of reality and how we can control our destiny by accessing the spirits of the cards. I share my experience as a student in ceremonial magick and initiate in various magical orders, to reveal hidden blinds and esoteric secrets contained within the cards and through the Thoth tarot to help you go deeper into this map of the universe than ever before. I also share my best secrets for how I use my skills as a tarot reader to change people’s lives and teach you how to apply that to starting or enhancing your own tarot business. This course is for those who wish to learn how to read tarot cards with any deck and to awaken the spirits of your cards and call them to work along with you.

Class 1: A Map of the Universe
The tarot is a guide to the elements of our reality and we begin our adventure here. Each card in turn tells us another step in understanding magical reality. In this lesson, you will learn a brief history of the tarot through Aleister Crowley’s Thoth deck and why this deck helps us learn to the tarot’s occult secrets from esoteric magical orders during the rise of spiritualism. Here we start learning the different aspects of the Qaballah that are found within the tarot and how this creates a map of our universe. I teach how a black magician can use these traditional hermetic principals in their own ceremonial practice and occult studies to not only divine the future with the tarot cards but to harness what is revealed and change it according to our will.

Class 2: Paths of Initiation
In this section we begin to look at the cards themselves. We start with the first emanations of the 22 cards of the major arcana: The Fool, The Magus, The High Priestess, The Empress and The Emperor cards. We discover how these cards represent foundational aspects of the creation of reality and how to use them in our personal magick.

Class 3: The Process
We continue to learn in detail about the symbolism, esoteric secrets and magical powers of the major arcana as the elements of the cards become further developed through the emanations of The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Adjustment, and The Hermit cards. I explain the cards in detail and reveal their mysteries for you to apply in your spiritual journey.

Class 4: Ancient Symbols Redefined
Here we learn about why Aleister Crowley, “The Great Beast 666” decided to alter a few of the cards in the major arcana to new names and meanings. We realize how this transcendence can be applied in our own work and our understanding of how as black magicians, the cards can be taken away from their previous religious control paradigms and applied to contemporary magick. We will go into detail about Fortune, Lust, The Hanged Man, Death and The Art cards.

Class 5: The Dark Path
In this class we begin to terraform the cards as a mere tool to read with into a magical tool for various ritual applications. Here we also discover some of the darker energies of the cards and I teach you how to translate those powers into your rituals and personal evolution. We discuss in detail on The Devil, The Tower, The Star and The Moon cards and how to work with them as a black magician.

Class 6: Celestial Bodies
The final cards of the major arcana are discussed in occult detail: The Sun, The Aeon and The Universe. I teach how these cards are the final result of all the previous card’s energies in a magical formulae that creates our reality by all that exists within its framework. We learn how to use the major arcana cards in various magical methods, including how they connect to messages from the spirits themselves and our work with the demonic empire.

Class 7: Astrology & Numerology
Now we will uncover an essential aspect of the cards for magical purposes: their relationships to numerology, the zodiac and planetary magick. We also focus on how they act as sigils to various elemental energies. We learn how the tarot is related to the planets, their numerological correspondences and what that means beyond simply reading them. By gaining this knowledge we learn how to further work with the cards in our rituals and how to deeply connect to their frequencies.

Class 8: Swords and Air
This section goes into detail through all of the cards in minor arcana of Swords, their correspondences, symbolism, elements, numerological influences and planetary attributions. The Sword cards in the Thoth deck are the element of air and we learn about the magical weapon of the sword and how we can use the sword cards in magical situations as the Sword cards represent the powers of our intellect.

Class 9: Wands and Fire
This section goes into detail through all of the cards in the minor arcana of Wands, their correspondences, symbolism, elements, numerological influences and planetary attributions. The Wand cards in the Thoth deck are the element of fire and we learn about the magical weapon of the wand and how we can use the wand cards in magical situations and the Wand cards represent our will as sorcerers.

Class 10: Cups and Water
This section goes into detail through all of the cards in the minor arcana of Cups, their correspondences, symbolism, elements, numerological influences and planetary attributions. The Cup cards in the Thoth deck are the element of water and we learn about the magical weapon of the cup and how we can use the wand cards in magical situations as the Cup cards represent our emotions and connections to the astral realms.

Class 11: Disks and Earth
This section goes into detail through all of the cards in the minor arcana of Disks, their correspondences, symbolism, elements, numerological influences and planetary attributions. The Disk cards in the Thoth deck are the element of earth and we learn about the magical weapon of the pentacle and how we can use the Disk cards in magical situations as the Disk cards represent our physical world.

Class 12: Psychic Reading
Here we will learn how to work with the tarot cards beyond simply knowing the attributes of each one. I teach you how to read any tarot deck out there, even if you have never seen it before. We will go through different exercises that enhance your psychic abilities and develop an astral connection to the spirits of the cards themselves. We also discuss how to work with the cards to channel messages from different spirits or demons.

Class 13: The Arrangement of Cards
Now we will learn about how the relationship of the cards combined together can change the messages that they reveal to us and also how we can use those specific energies to pinpoint what we want to happen exactly in our magical practice. We learn about contacting the spirits of the cards through invocation in order to initiate a powerful reading, I show you how to read the cards in three different tarot spreads, teach you how to shuffle the deck, learn about card reversals and how to use them, and how to select the deck that is right for you.

Class 14: Elements of Tarot Magick
This section focuses on details of magical application for the tarot cards. I teach you how to use the cards in infinite ways through ceremonial magick with the limit being your own creativity and imagination. I also discuss how the cards connect to the zodiac signs and how this can be worked into rituals. Then I take you to my personal altars and reveal how I work with the cards to create magical spells with Lucifer and Lilith.

Class 15: Spirits of the Cards
The tarot can be worked with ritual to create a spell that uncovers your true desires and allows us to travel to the worlds of different cards to revive messages from spirits, astral weapons and tools and profound channeled insights from the spirits of the cards. I take you step by step through this tarot magick ritual and also show you the ritual performance. We will use the cards to open the gateways of the different elements, discover a sigil and then travel to the worlds of the different cards on the astral.

Class 16: Professional Tarot Business
In this class I reveal my best secrets for how I started my own business in tarot. We learn all about the most important factors in starting this work in order for you to have the best foundation for your tarot business which contains both professional business knowledge and metaphysical understanding of the importance and sacred nature of this art. I also share my secrets for mastery of social media on order to give you the tools you need for success in this field.

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