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[GroupBuy] The Ultimate Web Scraping Course


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The Ultimate Web Scraping Course

I’ve made a living for 3+ years from just web scraping, made over $125k, have 25k+ social media followers, and in this course I’m going to reveal exactly how I scrape sites, and how to get clients/grow on social media.

Here’s what you’ll get:

✅ In the course I show you how to scrape these sites (and give you the code):

  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Tiktok
  • Linkedin
  • Zillow
  • Google Search
  • Google Maps
  • Amazon
  • Indeed
  • ESPN
  • Angi List
  • And more!

✅ I’ll also show you how I have gotten clients, and how I’ve gotten my 25k+ followers on social media (and how you can too)

What’s Inside:

  • Is web scraping legal?
  • Scrapers vs Hackers
  • All the services I use (proxies, coding language, servers, database, packages to get around getting blocked)
  • How websites get their data (how API’s work)
  • My process for scraping ANY site
  • How to find where data is coming from
  • How to avoid getting blocked
  • All about proxies
  • Scraping by web framework (React, Next.js, static HTML/server rendered, ASP.NET, Java)
  • How to reverse engineer sites with good blocking
  • Scraping sites with Cursor Based Pagination (YouTube comments)
  • Scraping a chrome extension for free emails
  • How to scrape mobile apps
  • How to skip trace (find random people’s phone numbers and emails)
  • How to get Puppeteer running on AWS Lambda
  • How to intercept requests with Puppeteer
  • Solving captchas with Puppeteer
  • How to get web scraping clients
  • How to charge clients
  • Product ideas that rely on web scraping

Sales Page:_https://adrianhorning.gumroad.com/l/the-ultimate-web-scraping-course

Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid