Stefan Georgi – AI Mechanism Machine
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Proof of the course:
“Just Feed It Any Offer… In Any Niche… And Get Back Full UMP/UMS Sections, Scientific Proof, And Expert Positioning In Under 5 Minutes”
Hey, first off-congrats on grabbing the Big Ideas, Hooks & Angles. Bundle.
It’s an INSANELY powerful training and I know you’re going to be blown away by it.
You’ll be getting access to the whole thing via email in just a few minutes….
But while you wait…
I want to take a few moments to talk about Unique Mechanisms.
You see, having killer hooks is only half the battle.
You still need a MECHANISM that:
→ Makes prospects intuitively understand the cause of their pain point
→Then convinces them that your product is the absolute BEST solution.
And if you’ve ever tried writing mechanisms manually, you know it’s a huge pain in the ass:
- Digging through research papers
- Trying to connect scientific dots
- Making it sound “expert enough”
- Adding proof elements that actually convince
Digging through research papers Trying to connect scientific dots Making it sound “expert enough” Adding proof elements that actually convince
And still end up with generic, unconvincing mechanisms.
But what if you could AUTOMATE the entire process?
Check this out….
I recently fed a simple golf product into my “Al Mechanism Machine” and said:
Here’s what it spit out in under 5 minutes:
“The real problem isn’t your poor technique or selection…
It’s a hidden biomechanical conflict in your swing that creates something sports scientists call rotation lock”
Here’s what’s happening:
When most golfers try to generate power in their swing, they instinctively tense their core muscles and shoulders in an attempt to swing harder
This creates early rotation lock where your body’s natural rotation sequence becomes completely disrupted
Think about it like trying to crack a whip while keeping your wrist stiff. The power can’t properly transfer through the chain In your golf swing, this premature muscle tension -Forces your shoulders to open too early in the downswing
Prevents your hands from naturally releasing through impact
Makes your club face open at contact (causing the slice)
Reduces swing speed by up to 30% due to restricted rotation