Mridu Khullar Relph – Higher-Paying Freelance Clients
$49.00Mridu Khullar Relph – Higher-Paying Freelance Clients (1.36 GB)
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Mridu Khullar Relph – Higher-Paying Freelance Clients (1.36 GB)
What’s in the course? Detailed videos covering the best scenarios to use aged domains, where to find aged domains, due diligence, and much more Includes 5+ real-life case studies, where I cover the theory/plan, the implementation, and the results Why do I need it? Maybe you’ve heard of success with aged domains, but did you…
Be Confident When Buying Sites with Easy Diligence Get the battle-tested Due Diligence Dashboard and 45+ Questions Database What’s 45+ due diligence questions with insights ranked by importance Due diligence dashboard that interprets Google Analytics traffic to flag highlights and setbacks Why do I need it? Do you spend hours looking through sites for…
Newsletters provide an EXCELLENT way to diversify against Google updates. They allow for community building, and higher valuation multiples when exiting, and the subscribers can be nurtured over time where you can sell them multiple products/services. Since 2019, I’ve developed 4 successful newsletters that are making mid-6 figures in profit annually, and are worth 7…
Best Deep-Dive Course Into Website Flipping Learn exactly how I’ve flipped 180+ websites with multiple 6-figure exits What’s in the course? Detailed videos covering the concept, due diligence, valuations, where to find sites, and much more Includes 12 real-life website walkthroughs covering due diligence and growth teardowns Why do I need it? Are you spending…
This article delves into a powerful trading approach that leverages the dynamics of the S&P 500 index to generate consistent income while actively managing risk. Many consider this method to be the SPX Best Options Strategy available. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme but a disciplined, strategic approach to navigating the complexities of the options market with a…
The cheat code to recurring revenue and irresistible offers— The Online Blueprint (TOB) is your all-in-one, easy-to-follow manual for doing just that—because your ideas are too good & have too much potential to live perpetually in your phone notes. It’s time to take action and start using them to build the life & business you…
INTRODUCING AI Program Masterclass You DO NOT need to know coding or programming. You DO NOT need to buy expensive software. You DO NOT need to be a tech expert or “computer person.” You DO NOT need to follow complex, overwhelming steps. You DO NOT need prior experience with AI tools. You DO NOT need…
What You Get: 12 Week Offer Mastery Bootcamp Recordings 1 Group call per week with Myron Golden, Ph.D. The training calls will alternate between training calls and Q&A coaching calls designed to help you master every area of becoming an offer making machine. Offer Mastery Coaching 1 Group Q&A per weekfor a year as well…
WHAT’S INCLUDED IN THE MASTERMIND Learn the exclusive premium value offer framework that Myron Golden and his students have used to make over one hundred million dollars in sales, one Golden Offer at a time. 2-Day Mastermind In Clearwater, FL Spend two days with Myron Golden, Ph.D. learning his exclusive premium value framework. Mastermind is…
Proof of payment: — CAN YOU DESCRIBE — ATTRACTION MASTERY? Attraction Mastery is a 30-hour, 70-module super-course that we have designed to guide you step-by-step and day-by-day on a journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to mPUA (Master Pickup Artist). It is the culmination of 15 years of LIVE events (and counting since we’ll…
You will learn how to: Quickly start with Minimal Equipment Create BANGER videos that people want to watch Make big money from ads, sponsors, and your own products Blow Up From the Beginning Blow up with your first video by learning exactly what the algorithm is looking for Start with viral ideas so you don’t…
What’s Included in Daily Content Machine Module 1: What You Can Expect How to think about content marketing. Why I know this system works. Use this material to train your team. Module 2: Where The Ideas Come From The 3 sources of content ideas. How to delegate idea generation to a copywriter. Examples of content…
eBai 100 Players Club Platinum Edition Special (Just $1,297) $997 ValueAccess to 2 Year of Nahar’s Zik System $4,997 Value8 Week Zero to Hero Mastermind with Nahar $997 ValueLive Q&A Sessions $1,997 ValuePremium Inner Circle Group for Full Mastermind $2,997 ValueFuture Zik Updates Included $4,997 Value250 Winning Dropshippers/Week $997 ValueShopify Integration for super scale $1,997…
Proof of payment: My mission is to train 250 men each year to master their semen retention lifestyle while staying motivated, inspired and disciplined enough to accomplish their life’s goals. If you want to train in the art of Sexual Alchemy and become a powerhouse both in and outside the bedroom, The Semen Retention Army…
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