/ / [GroupBuy] Depesh Mandalia – Encore Presentation of AI-Powered Facebook Ads & Offers Workshop May 2024

[GroupBuy] Depesh Mandalia – Encore Presentation of AI-Powered Facebook Ads & Offers Workshop May 2024


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SKU: WTM16914 Category:


Join Me For This Hands-On Acquisition Funnel Workshop!

  • WHAT: A 3-hour workshop where we build an offer and funnel together to help YOU acquire dream clients at lower ad costs for your services based business
  • WHY: To lower your cost per acquisition and bring in prospects that are hungry to work with your higher ticket offers (I’ll show you the funnels I use then HELP YOU select yours and build an ad campaign around it)
  • WHEN: Saturday 11th May @ 9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm GMT – so you don’t get distracted by your business!
  • WHERE: A private Zoom call for a maximum of 100 people with breaks between sessions and an attendee only replay.
  • HOW: We’ll share the process then work with you to build out your own perfect avatar, offer and funnel to be launch ready AND provide 30-days support to help you launch and optimise!
  • WHO: If you run ads on Facebook for your own client/customer acquisition, or for clients, then this will be right for you. You must have spent at least $1,000 on Facebook ads to be able to use this training (so you understand the basics of ads manager and how ads are setup).

What’s Included?

  • 3-hour hands-on, action based workshop led by Depesh Mandalia
  • Bonus 1: Templates and swipes which you can keep
  • Bonus 2: 30 day access to our AI tools, workshop recording, Q&A support and additional trainings via our AdSignals Mastermind
  • Bonus 3: A special ‘fast track’ 30-day planner to support your ads launch and optimisation following the build of your acquisition system
  • (re)Build your acquisition funnel during the event with expert guidance
  • Live expert feedback from Depesh and fellow attendees during the workshop with Q&A opportunity and mini break outs
  • PLUS: Depesh will offer 1on1 feedback to a handful of participants to review their end to end offers and funnels to give direct feedback during the Workshop for those that turn up live, are actively participating and following the process!

Sales Page:_https://events.bpmmethod.com/workshopm24

Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid