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Dani Paige – Sales Page Prep School


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You’ll be able to:

Master the art of writing ethical, conversion-driven sales pages and feel like you officially belong in the launch copy space

Feel more confident in the writing process by learning the ins and outs of a high-converting page, so you can plant your flag in conversion copy and become a more valuable asset for future clients

Build and integrate reliable systems into your business and successfully lead clients through a robust customer journey

Graduate from the blog writing or social captions “phase” and eliminate the need for juggling -and finding!- handfuls of smaller projects (because writing ONE sales page can equate to the price of 15+ blogs!)

Close more sales calls and sign more proposals with improved business skills across the board

Gain training on every element of a launch project – the client getting, selling, securing, and paying!

Gain financially independent VIBES by learning to market and deliver the #1 launch asset that course creators pay good money for

Crank out pages faster and smarter with your own tried-and-true repeatable process that you feel GOOD about

Boost your confidence to Rihanna-level heights when you fuel your brain with copy, launch, and business knowledge, and then put it into action in real time

Translate the step-by-step training and in-the-moment support into making you an indispensable and go-to figure in the sales copywriting domain


How You’ll Jump from Freshman to Senior With Sales Page Prep School

Week 1

  • Learn how to establish yourself in the launch market and show up as a confident sales page writer
  • Discover your roadmap to calling yourself a Conversion Copywriter (or whichever title you choose)
  • Learn what makes high-converting sales pages (so you can produce them time and time again)
  • Unroll the Business Foundations to transition from a freelancer mindset into a strong, and in-demand business owner

Week 2

  • Develop your proprietary framework to set yourself apart from other freelancers
  • Strengthen your sales calls so they build trust and convert into clients
  • Learn to write, deliver, and sign top-notch proposals

Week 3

  • A deep dive into how to immediately gain clients, make win-win pitches, and start gaining experience in the market
  • How to stand out in the market without a robust portfolio or sales page experience
  • Gain new marketing skills and techniques to solidify higher-paying clients

Week 4

  • Bolster your marketing, so you begin finding and attracting course creators and online business owners who respect and pay your prices
  • Learn to leverage other people to begin growing your audience and begin publishing cornerstone content to start bringing lead toward you
  • Gain a refreshing business uplevel to begin growing your audience – the foundation of every successful online business

Week 5

  • How to get paid STAT
  • Navigate onboarding clients like a high-earning baddie
  • Perform Kickoff Calls that start a project off right (and gain access to recordings of Dani’s live Kickoff Calls)
  • Gain the skills of managing copywriting projects
    so both you and your clients enjoy the smooth process

Week 6

  • How to perform research and uncover VOC the right way
  • How to book, perform, and master research calls for your clients
  • What to do when you don’t have the right research to work with

Week 7,8,9

  • Step-by-step and in-depth training for each section of a sales page: proprietary knowledge, swipes, templates, and prompts
  • Unlock the entire Double Pop Process for learning to write high-converting personality-driven sales pages
  • Continue through over-the-shoulder training, watching Dani’s practice page come to life – with her thinking out loud and editing on the go
  • Round out your 15-section masterpiece with continued hand-holding training and step back with excitement from your well-written personality-driven sales page

Week 10

  • How to deliver sales pages to your clients
  • Transforming all content, including VOC docs, into “wow” client deliverables
  • Officially offboard your client with a simple process that gains testimonials and opens doors for more work

Week 11

  • Learn how to leverage your new sales page knowledge and use it for another high-paying service – sales page audits
  • Discover how to review, improve, and deliver sales page audit services

Week 12

  • Final group support and accountability inside the community to carry you over the finish line
  • Wrap up our time together with final completion projects and page submissions

Sales Page:_https://salespageprepschool.com/accelerator