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[GroupBuy] Build & Sell Micro – SaaS Course


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SKU: WTM14315 Category:


Welcome to my first course about building and selling micro-saas!

➡️First of all, who am I, and why I wrote this course?

I’m Domenico Gagliardi, and I’m a full-time Analyst for an international company in the gaming field right now. I have co-built and sold 5 micro-saas during the last 1.8 years, and I’m selling my 6th side project now.

I decided to write this first mini-course because I noticed that a lot of people started to ask more about my journey. I generated more than 50k of value in the projects, starting from 0, and completely bootstrapped – then no external funding.

➡️What will you find in this course?

I tried to put together all the values, strategies, and tips acquired during these almost 2 years or “Build and sell” activity. These are the topics:

  1. Introduction: Who am I?
  2. Lesson 1: Set up your goals
    1. Sell or Hold?
    2. Make or Buy?
    3. Solopreneur or with a partner?
  3.  Lesson 2: Validation Stage
    1. Validate it before building it: our case study
    2. Frugality Value: What is it and why you should use it
    3. Free resources for a good validation
  4. Lesson 3: Building Stage
    1. First MVP
    2. Efficient Economics and Financial Management
  5.  Lesson 4: Organic Growth
    1. Why organic
    2. Bet on SEO
    3. Where can I share my SaaS? 500+ places for sharing your SaaS
  6. Lesson 5: Values & Strategies
    1. Time Management
    2. The Amazon Flywheel: How to use it in your SaaS
  7. Lesson 6: Selling Stage
    1. When can I sell my SaaS?
    2. Where can I list it? And how can I list it?
    3. Critical metrics for a buyer
    4. How can I correctly evaluate my SaaS?
    5. Tips and strategies for a correct negotiation
  8. Bonus: micro-saas ideas you can build and validate quickly

Sales Page:_https://domegagliardi.gumroad.com/l/buildandsell

Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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