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[GroupBuy] Ewen Finser – Reddit Leverage


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Reddit = Amazon

In just 6 months, Reddit now rivals Amazon for digital visibility. Think about that.

Most humans are really bad with exponential growth. The reality is, this is a DISRUPTIVE change that impacts ALL business models.

MY business model was disrupted…. and that’s when I stumbled upon Reddit and started replacing my lost Google traffic overnight.

Imagine looking back on this moment… “I wish I was early on Reddit

This course is a step by step guide to my evolving Reddit strategy (all future updates included).

Who should leverage Reddit & this course?

  • SaaS Brands
  • eCommerce Brands
  • Digital media companies
  • Consultants & solopreneurs
  • Bloggers & niche publishers
  • Agencies & Services
  • Local Businesses

Right now, your target audience is engaging on Reddit, whether you like it or not.

Let’s be proactive. Let’s get started…


Reddit Leverage Course Curriculum

Introduction Module

  • Introduction: Why Reddit, Why Now?
  • Reddit Use Cases: Ways I’m Using Reddit
  • Reddit Ethics: White Hat, Black Hat, Grey Hat

Module 1: Reddit Orientation

  • Reddit Orientation
  • Reddit Post Editor Walkthrough
  • Why Karma Really Matters

Module 2: The Brand Play (White Hat)

  • The Brand Play Explained
  • Reddit Brand Play Examples
  • Adding Resources Sections
  • NEW: Pillar Content Strategy
  • The Brand Play Summary
  • PRACTICAL: How to Setup Your First Community

Module 3: Traffic Leaks (Grey Hat)

  • Traffic Leaks Explained
  • Reddit Keyword Research Walkthrough
  • Reddit Keyword Research Summary
  • Traffic Leak Core Tactics
  • Traffic Leaks Summary
  • NEW: Brand Squatting

Module 4: Direct Dollars Play (Grey to Black Hat)

  • Direct Dollars Explained
  • Direct Dollar Plays, Risk, and Safety
  • An Alternative: The Optimized Landing Page

Module 5: Pay to Play (Black Hat)

  • Pay to Play Overview & Risk
  • Reddit Marketplaces & Services [Updated Regularly]

Adopting Lost Reddit Communities

  • NEW: Claiming Lost Luggage

Resources: Tools of My Trade

  • Helpful Tools Overview
  • Tools Resource List [Updated Regularly]

BONUS: Other UGC Plays Like Reddit

  • Expanding the Field to Other UGC Platforms

Closing Thoughts & My Roadmap to Update Course

  • What’s Next for This Course

Sales Page:_https://ewen-finser-s-school.teachable.com/p/reddit-leverage

Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid