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[Group Buy] Todd Brown’s Campaign ‘Cash Pops’ Platinum + OTO


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Copy And Paste Your Way to Profits? “Plug These 9 Done-For-You Campaign ‘Cash Pops’ Into Your Business And You’ll Be Stunned By The Increase In Sales You See…” – Todd Brown

With Campaign Cash Pops You Can Finally:

  • Make your funnel profitable with paid traffic, generate a consistent flow of sales online and stop losing money on paid ads.
  • Start to enjoy your business again and not be constantly worrying where your next sale is coming from.
  • And/Or banish the nagging feeling of whether or not you and your business will make it and finally make the impact you want on those you serve.

If you market or sell anything online, pay close attention…

Because this page shares likely the real reasons your online business isn’t generating you the amount of money you’d like…

And possibly the easiest and fastest way to fix it.
Hi, my name is John Mulry.

Today I’m going to do four things for you:

1. Take you behind the scenes of our multi-million dollar business.

2. Detail the six biggest challenges we discovered online businesses are facing after we analysed over 3,400 strategy sessions we’ve generated.

3. Give you the opportunity to swipe the our unique Campaign Cash Pops and 4X Framework that’s been worth millions to us.

4. Let you decide yourself risk free if this DONE-FOR-YOU solution is good as we say they are.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

Like I said, my name’s John Mulry.

I’m Director of Marketing for Todd Brown.

In case you’re not familiar with myself or Todd.

I’ll let Todd share a bit about me in a second but Todd…

He’s marketing advisor other well-known marketing experts come to when they need help with their own campaigns.

Most of the funnel experts you see today at one point were his students.

Take a second to think about the current experts or ‘Gurus’ in the online industry, chances are all of them at some stage in some way learned directly from Todd.
And it’s been said, Todd’s helped engineer more six and seven-figure marketing campaigns for clients than any other expert on the planet.

Fact is…

With entrepreneur clients and students in over 45 different countries, bringing-in almost a combined billion-dollars in annual sales…

Todd’s seen every kind of marketing campaign under the sun.

So, he know what works to generate sales…

And, more importantly, what doesn’t, and why.

While lots of entrepreneurs struggle to make the typical sales funnel models, tactics and strategies work for their business…

We’re humbled and delighted to be able to say, our clients and students are different. We have clients in over 45+ countries and 65+ niches around the world.

Last year alone in the midst of a crazy pandemic some of our private clients generated close to $400million dollars in sales.
So we know what it takes to move the needle.

And move it fast.


1. NOT Converting Audiences Into Sales…

It may be your email list of subscribers or leads who have shown interest in a lead magnet, a product, an offer or service but haven’t bought.

It may be your Facebook Group (regardless of size) of your prospects.

It may be your retargeting audiences on Google, Facebook or YouTube.

Your ability to make sales is critical to the success of your business.

2. NO Systems in Place in Their business.

Random ad-hoc marketing is not only time consuming it is ineffective.

Without the proper systems for attracting, following up, and converting your audience, subscribers and followers you will struggle to achieve your business and income goals.

This also leads to a dependency on things like word of mouth or referrals.

Word of mouth and referrals are fantastic but businesses cannot and should not be built on them.

3. NOT Following Up the RIGHT WAY.

We discovered most business owners don’t communicate enough with their audiences, their subscribers and their followers.

According to the IRCSS on average, only 2% of sales are made during the first point of contact. And 80% of sales are made between the 5th and 12th contact.

Most online business owners and marketers have a couple of emails in place to “try” and convert them, then after that? Nothing.

This results in a LOT of money on the table. Money that is yours.

4. No Strategy.

There lots of tactics you could be using but unless they play a part of an overall strategy that’s proven to work, any results you may get will be short lived.

Tactics come and go, strategy is long term.

We found a lot of online business owners are at the mercy of and overly reliant on referrals, word of mouth, random recommendations or the erratic results that come from organic marketing methods like SEO and organic social media marketing.

The lack of strategy in acquiring leads and customers and strategically following up with them in a specific way was a big eye opener.
5. Not Knowing What To Say To Your Prospects
We discovered lots of online business owners understand the basics of marketing but struggle to communicate in a way that channels desire for their product, service or offers.

And because they don’t know what to say they often default to either saying nothing or sounding like everyone else.

What you say to your market and how you say can be a tremendous advantage or disadvantage.

6. You want RESULTS.
We also discovered lots of online business owners are fed up with hearing lots of theory and ideas on ways to grow their business.

You want actual results and you want them fast.

Fact is: there is lots of information available online with varying degrees of quality. There are some fantastic people online offering amazing solutions but there are also the other side of the coin.

Unfortunately they are people selling programs, courses and widgets that promise the world but fail to deliver the most important metric that matters in business…results.


These Done-For-You, Unorthodox Money-Makers Can Flood Your Online Business With More Buyers, Sales And Profits As Quickly As Tomorrow…

Here’s Why These Done-For-You Campaign Cash Pops Can Help You Begin To Generate
Take The Best Converting Methods Of Communication
Email Campaigns
​Video Scripting
​Direct Response Copy

Take Away The Negatives
Not Knowing What To Say
​Not Following Up Right Way
​Not Strategy
​No System
Add In Our Unique Follow-Up Framework

Sales Page: _https://pages.toddbrown.me/ccp-details-c

Deliver time: 12-24hrs after paid