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The Global Economy Has Changed – Permanently. The Old Way Of Getting Rich Is Dead. The “New Rules” Are Here To Stay.

Here’s How To Get All The Money You Want Right Now While Building The Ultimate Wealth Creation Portfolio That Will Make You Rich For Life

The old rules of “making it” are broken…

And if you’re currently using the old rules…

You might be playing a dangerous (and even financially lethal) game of chicken.

All the stuff you were told to do in order to retire “happy, wealthy, and safe”…

Like socking money into your 401k or IRA…

Buying and holding indexes…

Getting a mortgage and having your home value go up and up…

That stuff worked right up until about March 2020…

But it won’t work now. Or ever again.

The rules changed. The global economy changed.

And if you don’t change with it, you’ll waste the rest of your life just trying to keep your head above water.

We’re in a new, really weird economy that’s been fucked up by Chinese diseases, Russian dictators, and crazy central banks that love their infinite money machines…

And it’s only going to get weirder, harder to navigate, and harder to profit from.

This document is very special and very timely with all the craziness going on in crypto (and other markets) this week.

We have the FTX exchange collapsing, the US dollar finally discovering gravity, and stock markets making the fastest move up in a decade!

The outlook has never been more uncertain, and it’s never been more important to understand what’s really happening.

Hey it’s Scott and #sorry-not-sorry on all the doom and gloom…

That’s all the bad news…

The good news is…

You don’t have to worry about any of that because…

I’m Going To Give You All The “New Rules” & The Exact Plan For Making Lots Of Money In This Changed Economy
And I’m Going To Give You The Perfect Wealth Building Portfolio To Make You Rich For Generations

I’ve seen this coming for a while now…

The signs were painted on the wall but those in control didn’t want to see them because they were too busy stuffing their own pockets…

They were busy putting money into fancy food delivery apps, self driving cars, and crypto meme coins with doggie mascots…

They ignored the hard assets that actually protect you when sh!t hits the fan…

Like oil…(Hint: nobody likes it now but they’re gonna love it here soon – if you’ve been reading my emails you know I made that call a while ago)

Because I noticed the signs early…

I started preparing…

And not just for me…

For you too.

You know me as the crypto g-o-d…

But I’m smart enough to know that crypto isn’t gonna be the only bullet in your gun…

And I would never advise you to go to war with one weapon.


I’m Calling In All Of My Super Smart Friends To Show You Exactly How To Survive This Brand New And Unforeseen Turn Of Events & How To Use It To Your Advantage

I went out and talked to all my closest friends who are true experts…

The “who’s who” on everything there is to know about what’s happening…

The best assets to be in…

How to create max cash flow during one of the worst economies of all time…

I went out and talked to all my closest friends who are true experts…

The “who’s who” on everything there is to know about what’s happening…

The best assets to be in…

How to create max cash flow during one of the worst economies of all time…

I went out and talked to all my closest friends who are true experts…

The “who’s who” on everything there is to know about what’s happening…

The best assets to be in…

How to create max cash flow during one of the worst economies of all time…

My final call was to my buddy Antoine Rousseaux

A bonafide crypto fanatic and fellow trader…

Antoine has built a reputation for automating all sorts of trading and investing strategies…

Including building a very impressive, fully automated, crypto portfolio balancing software.

Extremely well known in the French trading & investing community, Antoine  blends technology, de-risking crypto, and passive-style investing very well.

With this group of elite traders, market experts, and legends of the investing world…

I knew we could do something extremely special to help our audiences thrive in this new economy I was seeing.

What we’ve done is simple…

We Created A Master Plan For Generating Lots Of Cash… And Turning That Cash Into Wealth That Will Last…

And not just for your lifetime…

But for generations to come…

And we’re going to do it inside what we’re calling…

The New Economy Bootcamp

The Bootcamp will be an 8 week live intensive with me and the others I’ve introduced you to.

In that we aren’t going to teach you how to trade…

We are going to dish the results.

At the end of that 8 week intensive you’ll know exactly how to position your investments for maximum growth and just as importantly…

You’ll know what investments that everybody loves right now that you shouldn’t touch with a stick.

You’ll have an antifragile, individualized portfolio that you can go away and easily make happen in your stock account, your 401K retirement account, or superannuation fund… and sit back and watch it compound over the next few years.

And being antifragile means that it’s robust, so if we get covid 20, covid 21 or monkeypox or war with China or whatever climate thing that may or may not happen…

You won’t just survive…

You’ll outperform.

And on top of that we are gonna hand deliver to you on a silver platter a bunch of different ways to generate cash flow right now.

During the 8 weeks we’re going to do a lot of interesting and unique things like:

  • Round table discussions with me and other experts on where we think things are heading (the same advice the 1% is getting)
  • Open our vaults and give you the systems and opportunities you can use to immediately to start generating lots of cash
  • Reval the 8 key, long term moves you can make over the next decade, starting today, in order to start building your wealth using that cash
  • Give you the opportunity to ask questions specific to your situation so you get a customized game plan just for you
  • And we’re even going to hand-deliver to you, on a silver platter, a statistically tested, bullet-proof portfolio – complete with every asset you should be holding and in what amounts so you can get started right away

Those 8 weeks and everything we’re going to do break down into 2 very distinct phases…

Phase #1 – Creating Cash Flow By: Turning Your Portfolio Into The Ultimate “ATM”

The fact is that you can’t go to war without a war chest…

In order to capitalize on all the opportunities this altered economy has to offer…

You’re going to need cash.

And not only that, if you can’t live the life you want right now, what’s the point of creating wealth?

So the first phase of the bootcamp will be turning your portfolio into the ultimate “ATM”…

A resource that will not only grow your bank account and allow you to start living more of the life you want right now…

But will allow you to have cash to deploy at all the opportunities we’re going to be sharing with you…

That way you don’t need to have tens of thousands of dollars in initial capital.

You need to position yourself in a way where you are creating cash flow that is recession proof, bear market proof, everything proof…

And the reason is because…

This economy is so different and backwards…

That the stock market could go up or down…

But the dollar is going to get WrEcKeD….

So if you aren’t producing cash like J Powell prints it…

Then you’re not going to be in a position to do anything.

That’s why creating cash flow is the first step…

You can’t start building your wealth if you’re unsafe…

And you can’t go to war without a war chest.

The Way We’re Going To Do That Is Simple…

I talked to all my friends into pooling our top automated and semi-automated “cash flow” systems…

  • Michael Mehrle’s “Options Unlimited System” for generating weekly income from options in an hour a week
  • Michael’s famous Stock Statistics Scanner for identifying the historically most optimal times to buy, sell, or hold any stock on the S&P 500
  • Michael’s Gravitas crypto signal for picking long term swings in both BTC and ETH that’s correctly called every single major market turn in the last 2 years
  • Laurent Bernut’s fully automated “Squeeze Box” system for capitalizing on situations where an asset is collapsing (which we’re going to see a lot of as the economy changes)
  • My Crypto Trend Forecaster that you can use to catch the next SOL, AVAX, Shiba – way before you hear about it on the news

And just as importantly … Any time any coin goes to zero, like FTT did recently, this is gonna tell you way before the damage happens

So we’re going to give you all of our best stuff for generating cash on a silver platter…

And teach you how to use it and show you all the advanced stuff we do to basically print money…

See, told you it was going to be simple.

So once we get your bank account overflowing like a pool filled with money…

We’ll move into…

Phase #2 – Using That Cash Flow To: Build The Ultimate Wealth Creation Portfolio That Will Make You Rich For Life With Tricks Of The 1% 

Phase 2 is where things really start cooking…

And we start building your Ultimate Wealth Creation Portfolio…

So you can begin building wealth that not only makes you rich for life…

And gives you “f*ck you money”…

So you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, without anyone being able to stop you…

But also creates a legacy and ensures that generations after you are taken care of.

Cash flow is great…

But cash in the bank is just getting more and more worthless over time…

So once we get your “ATM” up and running…

We can start pulling cash out and distributing it around to the 10 “vectors” that are going to turn that cash into generational wealth over the next decade.

Inside the bootcamp, we’re going to reveal the exact assets, asset classes, and opportunities that you’re going to want to put money into…

That we believe with near certainty are going to 10X or even 100X over the next 10 years.

We’re going to pull back the curtain and show you:

  • The tech “race” that’s going to create a wave of new money (hint: it’s not in any of the stuff anyone’s talking about right now)
  • 2 energy assets that have been overlooked for years that are set to skyrocket
  • A “cold-war” asset that has been “on ice” but is primed for a major comeback due to our favorite Russian dictator
  • The undiscovered “altcoin gems” that are set to 10X
  • The missing piece in real estate that’s going to be a huge opportunity soon and why there’s big problems in a niche real estate sector that most people don’t even know about
  • And more that will have your mind going crazy and your bank account looking fuller than a sumo wrestlers belly after hitting the chinese buffet

What I’m getting at here is that we’re prepared to give you a full stop solution for making lots of money now…

So you’re safe, comfortable, and ready to strike…

So that all your needs and your families needs right NOW are met…

Because let’s be honest…

Who cares about wealth 10 years from now when you’ve got a life to enjoy now.

But we’re not stopping there…

We’re going to hold your hand and help you to turn that cash into massive wealth that’s going to sustain you for the rest of your life…

Your children’s lives…

And potentially longer.

We’re Going To Give You The Keys To The Kingdom

Just like Indiana Jones in Raiders of The Lost Ark we’re going to help you navigate the booby-trapped times ahead…

Preserving what’s already yours…

Helping you get more…

And helping you grow it…

So you don’t have to take orders from anyone…

So you can have plenty to enjoy life…

So you can be safe and secure…

All without taking big risks guessing what’s going to work in the new economy…

Without having to rely on the government to keep you safe (we’ve already seen they don’t care about wrecking the economy for their own gains)…

And without having to rely on your kids or other family members taking care of you.

We’re going to lead you on the journey from wherever you’re at in life right now…

Whether retirement is right around the corner…

Or a good ways away…

We’re going to break the matrix for you…

We’re going to give you the master plan for not only surviving the next decade…

But the plan that’s going to set you up for good.

And we’re going to do that over the course of an 8-week, virtual face-to-face “bootcamp”…

This won’t be pre-recorded…

This will be LIVE, on Zoom, in the trenches, getting down and dirty TOGETHER.

Enough talk about WHAT we’re going to do…

Sales Page:_https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m8qOdkebZBnGp205aHOqS9UbtV0dUfNJl0-pXjTBRV8/

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