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Media Buyer – Mind Shift


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Prepare for your work

Create an exact structure for the Landing Page or Product Page and prepare the user’s funnel easily
Build Ad Copy to achieve satisfactory results for you
You will be able to write an Ad Copy suitable for your Target Audience, and with Angles you can do Testing and Optimization with it.
Stand out from your competitors
Using Formula, you apply it to videos so that you can determine whether it will achieve results or not before the testing stage
The Campaign Structure works just fine
Get the results you need with it and get sound conclusions and exact results for Testing.
Read the data in front of you (or what is not visible in front of you)
In the best way that improves your results and you can make sound decisions based on it.
Know what data you want about the user
You know the actions it performs on your site, even if they are not available on the Dashboard.
Scaling works for you and increases your results up to 100x
When do you use Horizontal Scaling and when do you use Vertical Scaling, and what are the different strategies for them, and how do you mix between them, and how do you create your own strategy.
Build a 24-hour Remarketing Machine
Divided according to the types and divisions of Users, all their locations, and the stage they are in in the Funnel
Find out why any campaign you have failed
It begins the treatment steps (whether it is a new campaign and has not produced results, or it is a campaign that is already running but is no longer producing results).
How to extract thousands of Audiences
You can use them to reach new Audiences interested in buying from you
One Dashboard works
With it, you can follow all your work and the journey of every pound that comes out of your pocket
You find a job looking for you
At the end of the course, we will provide job nominations for the best 10 people who achieved results in the course for companies that are looking for distinguished individuals to join their team.

Course content

Introduction + Course Mindset (2 hours)

1- Planning Mindset

2- Testing Mindset

3 – Scaling Mindset

Ad Copies + Landing Pages (3 hours)

1- How to write an ad copy that converts

2 – How to get product videos like no one else

3 – How to create high converting product pages using AIDA model

Conversion Tracking (6 hours)

1 – Why do we setup tracking from front-end and back-end perspectives (Data Mindset)

2 – Tracking Tools (Integrations)

3 – How to setup Facebook conversion API

4 – How to setup Facebook catalog feed

5 – Setup Google Analytics (Universal Analytics)

6 – Understand Google Analytics (Goals – Events – Enhanced Ecommerce – Audience – Funnel Visualization)

7 – Google Tag Manager Setup

8 – Understand (Tags – Triggers – Variables)

9 – Set up “Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce” through GTM.

10 – How to track events from custom CMS websites that use “single page / Angular”

11 – How to setup backup pixels

Facebook Testing Strategies (4 hours)

1 – Concepts you should know (Audience & Overlapping – Pocket of audiences – Stack VS. Flex Targeting)

2 – Difference between attribution windows

3 – Optimization on campaign level

4 – Optimization campaign on adset level

5 – 10 Different testing strategies

6 – Testing Mindset

Data Analysis (3.5 hours)

1 – Data Analysis Mindset

2 – Metrics to Look at

3 – On-Facebook metrics

4 – Off-Facebook metrics

5 – Google Analytics in practice (Funnel leaks – custom dashboard – funnel visualization – audience segments)

6 – How to create killer facebook custom reports

Facebook Scaling Strategies (6 hours)

1 – Scaling Mindset

2 – Horizontal vs. vertical scaling

3 – 11 Different Scaling strategies

4 – You daily monitoring routine

TikTok Ads (2 hours)

1 – Setup tiktok pixel

2 – How to choose right bid

3 – Testing strategies

4 – Scaling strategies

5 – Best practices

360 Degrees remarketing machine (3.5 hours)

1 – Remarketing mindset

2 – How to leverage your assets for best performance

3 – Manual retargeting

4 – Dynamic retargeting

5 – Using DPA campaigns for testing

6 – Remarketing with Google

7 – Create Google Audiences from Analytics

8 – Google GDN Retargeting with Feed “manual feed workaround”

9 – YouTube campaign with data feed “merchant center”

10 – YouTube Ad Sequence “merchant center”

Google Data Studio (3 hours)

1 – Do you use GDS? And why?

2 – How to use GDS in business?

3 – How to use GDS in scaling ?

4 – Understanding Data sources

5 – Understanding Fields

6 – Understanding Metrics and Dimensions

Work Opportunities and Open Discussion (4 hours)

1 – How to leverage your skills to find opportunities

2 – Our Agency income sources

3 – How to generate opportunities from Upwork

4 – How to generate opportunities from Dropshipping

Bonus Sessions (25 minutes)

1 – How to choose and test products

2 – How to read data and scale

3 – How to solve campaign drop issues

Sales Page:_https://mb-mindshift.com/