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“Rare Collection of 1,749 Ads & Sales Letters From The World’s Greatest Copywriters Including Bencivenga, Halbert, Schwartz, Sugarman, Kennedy, Rutz, Jayme, & Makepeace Is Finally Unearthed And Available For You To Study, Swipe And Most Importantly… Profit From”

Fellow ink-slinger,

Imagine if you had access to a complete collection of the most successful ads, sales letters, and direct-response packages of all time…

I’m talking about legendary ads written by Gary Bencivenga, Gary Halbert, Eugene Schwartz, and Joseph Sugarman…

Or long-running controls written by the great Dan Kennedy, Clayton Makepeace, Bill Jayme, and Jim Rutz…

Do you think if you had lifetime access to these ads and sales letters, you could study ‘em, swipe ‘em, and use ‘em to make yourself more money?

Of course, you could…

In fact, I’d argue that studying these “Copy Legends” will be significantly more profitable than studying most modern-day copywriters…


Because Copy Written By Guys Like Bencivenga, Halbert, Schwartz, & Sugarman Was Far More Unique Than The Stuff You See Online Today…

Most of the copy you see today is cookie-cutter…

It’s a copy of a copy of a copy – watered down…

That didn’t happen in the 70s, 80s, and 90s…


Simple – there weren’t copywriting templates or courses teaching ’em how to do it…

Ink-slingers like Dan Kennedy, Jim Rutz, Bill Jayme, Clayton Makepeace, Ted Nicholas, and Mel Martin had to come up with their own ideas from scratch…

And as a result of this…

They Drummed Up Many Of The Most Unique Headlines, Leads, Bullets, Big Ideas & Mechanisms You’ll Ever See…

For example…

When Gary Halbert penned his “Illegal Sexual Stimulant” headline for a new perfume…

Or when Bencivenga came up with the “Great Nursing Home Escape” as a hook for the blockbuster anti-aging book he sold for Boardroom….

Or when Ted Nicholas used the “Eighth Wonder of the World” hook to describe how powerful compound interest was for one of his own financial book offers…

These were UNIQUE ideas…

Far better than the boiler-plate stuff floating around today…

Far better than the formulas, scripts, and templates you’ve seen…

Far better than the rinse-and-repeat “funnel hacking” going on…

Which Is Why I Believe That If You’re A Serious Copywriter…

Or a REAL marketer…

Then you must study the most successful copy from the original “Copy Legends” like Bencivenga, Halbert, Schwartz, Sugarman, Kennedy, Rutz, Jayme, Makepeace, and dozens more…

That’s where you’ll discover the most POWERFUL big ideas and mechanisms…

That’s where you’ll find creative inspiration for HIGH-CONVERTING headlines and leads…

And that’s where you’ll see the most EFFECTIVE bullets, transitions, and closes…

And if you’re smart…

You’ll study these ads, innovate upon ‘em, and use ‘em to come up with unique angles that’ll practically guarantee to make YOUR ads, emails, and sales pages stand out above all your competitors…

And as you know…

The more your copy stands out…

The bigger punch it packs…

The more readers you get…

The more clicks you get…

The more conversions you get…

And, ultimately, the more money you make…

There’s A Reason Nearly Every A-List Copywriter – Both Past And Present – Has An Extensive, Organized Swipe File Of These Old-School Copy Masterpieces…

It’s because they provide the best creative inspiration for your copy…

However, there is one significant problem with these old-school ads…

If you’ve ever tried to FIND the most successful ads from guys like Halbert, Bencivenga, Schwartz, Sugarman, Kennedy, Rutz, Jayme, and Makepeace…

You know it can be a royal pain in the ass…

Sure, you can find some of ‘em on Swiped.co…

You can also hit Google for some old copy blogs…

Hell, you could spend plenty of time on Pinterest…

But it takes a lot of time…

And a lot of searching…

And the truth is…

Unless you’ve got hours to spend…

And an intimate knowledge of WHICH ads to look for…

You can search the Internet until your fingers mutiny, and still…

Chances are… you’ll only find a few of the ads that these guys wrote…

That’s why I decided to do the digging for you.

Here’s the deal…

I spent the last two years sifting through 100,000+ pages of vintage direct mail pieces, newspapers, internet archives, and magalogs to create a collection of the best-performing ads and sales letters from our favorite original “Copy Legends”…

In This Collection (That’s Now Available To You) You Get Instant Access To The Complete “Copy Legends Swipe File”…

Inside, you get…

1,749 of the most profitable, highest-converting, control-busting ads and sales letters ever assembled – all organized by copywriter…

800+ “Legendary Leads” – including the pre/main/subheadings and opening lines/paragraphs from many of these ads – all organized by copywriter…

2,500+ “Legendary Bullets” – including every fascination, teaser, and feature bullet listed in each of these ads – all organized by copywriter…

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll get inside the complete “Copy Legends Swipe File Vault”…

56 Top-Performing Ads & Sales Letters From The Legendary “Sir Gary of Halbert”…

Gary Halbert’s copy was irresistible to the “common man.”

Everything from social security tips to weight loss and make-money opportunities. There’s a reason he charged $25,000 to write a sales letter (and this was back in the 1980s.)

His copy was that damn good. As he explained, one of his best offers even pulled in more than 20,000 cash orders per day!

That’s why Gary is a must-read when it comes to these original Copy Legends…

And inside this collection, you’ll get access to some of Gary’s best-performing ads and sales letters such as his…

  • Famous “Key West” ad that sold the recordings of his $5,000 copywriting seminar…
  • Brilliant “Desperate Nerd From Ohio” ad that sold tens of thousands copies of his print newsletter…
  • Controversial “Illegal Sexual Stimulant” ad he wrote for movie star Tova Borgine that helped create a flood of sales for her perfume…
  • Wild “90-Second Facelift” ad that changed skincare advertising forever…
  • Control-busting “Diet Secret Of A Desperate Housewife” ad that ran for years in major newspapers across the country…
  • Seductive “Blackjack Secrets” ad that convinced thousands of regular people that they could beat the casino…
  • Hidden “Elvis Tapes” ad that sold 10,000 copies of a concert for $19.95 each…
  • Original “Social Security Secrets” ad that capitalized on people wanting to get free benefits from the government…
  • First “Dollar Bill Letter” that started a frenzy of dollar bills being attached to sales letters that still works today!
  • PLUS: 47 more ads and sales letters written by Gary in niches like diets, making money, newsletter subscriptions, precious metals, investing, modeling and more…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Gary’s “Legendary Leads” from this collection…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Gary’s hundreds of “Legendary Bullets” from this collection…
  • PLUS: A complete collection of Gary’s famous “Boron Letters” – 25 lessons he sent his son from Boron Federal Penitentiary teaching him everything he knew about creating success through copywriting, offer creation, & direct-response marketing…

14 Sizzling Ads & Sales Letters From The #1 “Greatest Living Copywriter,” Gary Bencivenga…

In the ’80s and ’90s no one won more head-to-head split tests in direct mail than Gary Bencivenga.

Even great copywriters didn’t want to go up against him. And it’s why nearly everyone today considers Gary the #1 living copywriter in the world. So you’d be smart to study his copy. And in this collection you’ll get the best-performing ads Gary has written including…

  • Famous “Job Hunting” ad that changed the way the “everyday man” prepared for (and landed) their dream jobs…
  • Audacious “Guarantee” ad that promised his advertising firm would outpull their client’s best ad by at least 10%, or they wouldn’t pay a dimefor his agency’s services…
  • Rare “Apprenticeship Program” ad that demonstrated proof that thousands of people across America could discover they could make amillion bucks…
  • Controversial “Showstring Business” ad that revealed how a prospect or his wife could start a business right away (and run it in their sparetime)…
  • Control-smashing “May Rise” ad that turned the silver and precious metals industry on its head with a single-page ad with one simple word…
  • Industry-shattering “Kurobuta Ham” letter that transformed the way the food industry thought about selling food products by mail…
  • PLUS: 8 more ads and sales letters written by Gary in niches like copywriting, olive oil, make money, financial newsletters, real estate, andmore…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Gary’s “Legendary Leads” from this collection…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Gary’s “Legendary Bullets” from this collection…
  • PLUS: A complete collection of Gary’s brilliant “Marketing Bullets” newsletter – 29 of the most powerful lessons learned from his Hall of Fame career (as Brian Kurtz says, “This is a convenience THUD FACTOR!” – you’ll receive this as a free gift in one of my first emails…)

170 Mind-Blowing Ads & Sales Letters From Master “Benefits Stacker,” Eugene Schwartz…

For years, Eugene Schwartz was the go-to copywriter for the top direct mailers like BoardRoom.

His ability to come up with unique big ideas, and weird mechanisms made his copy truly stand out. So ole’ Gene is a must-read if you’re a serious student of copy.

And in this massive collection you’ll get over 170 ads and sales letters from the brilliant Gene Schwartz including his…

  • Winning “Seven Deadly Crimes” ad that perfectly demonstrated how to call out your prospect in the opening lines of your copy…
  • Bizarre “Sonic Lure” ad that radically shifted the fishing industry by tapping into a unique angle for a product that caught up to 120 fish in one hour…
  • Controversial “4 Hours” ad that helped thousands of people break life-long smoking habits in just 4 hours…
  • Game-changing “Astronaut Bodybuilding” ad that used a unique mechanism to position his fitness book above competitors in his industrywho kept beating the same old drum…
  • Incredible “Cell Clock” ad that gave birth to the anti-aging industry by using a unique mechanism no one had thought to use at the time…
  • Complete “Walking Aphrodisiac” direct-mail package (envelopes, inserts, free reports – everything) that showed thousands of men that “It isnot unusual for a man of 108 to enjoy a sexual relationship with a woman 60 years his junior”…
  • Entire “Internal Exercises” mail package that became one of his most successful, longest-standing controls by showing people “the simplestand most natural way to lose weight is by this effortless two-minute exercise”…
  • PLUS: 161 additional ads and sales letters written by Eugene in niches like weight loss, self-development, anti-aging, books, newslettersubscriptions, learning, legal services, and more…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Eugene’s “Legendary Leads” from this collection…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Eugenes 1,000+ “Legendary Bullets” from this collection…

47 Game-Changing Single-Page Ads From Copywriting Titan Joseph Sugarman…

Nobody in copywriting history sold a wider variety of products than Joe Sugarman.

Everything from sunglasses to CB radios to pinball machines. The man sold it all through direct response. And he became a multi-millionaire many times over because of the brilliant copy he wrote. So you’d be smart to dissect and study the powerful words that Joe wrote.

In this collection you’ll get 47 top-performing ads written by Joe himself including his…

  • Simple “Cordless Wonder” ad that helped give birth to the mobile phone industry, and changed how thousands of people communicated forever…
  • Conspiracy-driven “Endorsement Battle” ad that turned the idea of celebrity endorsements on its head, instead proving why his anti-celebrity endorsement approach was far superior…
  • Ballsy “Magic Baloney” ad that called out all of his product’s biggest faults first, only to close with an incredible, logical argument for why it was the best product on the market…
  • Hilarious “The Nose” ad that changed how consumers viewed the importance of fire and smoke detectors in their home, likely saving a number of lives in the process…
  • Unbelievable “Mail Order Mansion” ad that sold a $6,000,000 Malibu Mansion with a single-page ad by telling a story unlike one you’ve ever heard before to do it…
  • Swipe-inspiring “Truth About” ad that revealed the hidden facts everyone should know about one of the most common household pantryitems we drink everyday…
  • Jealousy-inducing “Trade Secrets” ad that sold out his 5-day, $2,000 live seminar with just a few hundred words…
  • PLUS: 40 more ads written by Joe in niches like technology, gadgets, space, seminars, mentorship, making money, and more…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Joe’s “Legendary Leads” from this collection…

23 Mouth-Watering Ads & Sales Letters From The “King of Bullets,” Mel Martin…

If you’re a direct-response copywriter, you should know Mel Martin’s name.

He’s the man that revolutionized “bullets” in copy and today’s top copywriters like Justin Goff, Tony Flores, Joel Marion, and Ben Settle intensely study Mel’s copy to help dial-in bullets, fascinations, and subject lines on emails.

In Mel’s collection, you’ll get 23 of his best-performing ads & sales letters including…

  • Original “But Not Quite” ads he used across multiple campaigns to call out his prospects with increased curiosity, intrigue, and relatability to sell hundreds of thousands of books…
  • Sneaky “Mad Letter” ad that revealed many of the controversial inner-workings of the New York Times that exposed multiple uncomfortable truths…
  • Fascinating “Real Dope” ad that included 60 unique fascinations bullets, consisting of 95% of the entire single-page ad copy…
  • Entertaining “Best-Kept Secrets” ad that used illustrations to demonstrate the value of a subscription newsletter…
  • Curiosity-riddled “What They Don’t Tell You” Boardroom letter that used a fascination bullet as its opening headlines, layered almostentirely of similar fascination bullets, to build continuous curiosity with each line…
  • PLUS: 18 more ads written by Mel in niches like cooking, golf, house plants, books, newsletters, financial services, and more…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Mel’s “Legendary Leads” from this collection…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Mel’s “Legendary Bullets” from this collection…

13 High-Powered Ads & Sales Letters From $200,000,000 Copywriter Ted Nicholas…

Ted Nicholas is one of the greatest copywriting pioneers of the 21st century.

He not only sold more than $200,000,000+ worth of products by direct mail, including 2,500,00+ books…

But many of the most powerful strategies in our industry today were originated by Ted, some of these include long-copy ads for entrepreneurial products, advertising with an “editorial” look and feel, “tearsheet” marketing inserts, “two-step” ads that generated millions of leads and countless others.

And while you may not be as familiar with Ted’s name, as some of the Copy Legends on this list, you’d be damn well served by taking the time to study his life’s greatest work, including…

  • Genius “Eighth Wonder” ad used to position one of his most powerful unique mechanisms for teaching 700,000+ working-class Americans how to convert almost any job into their own corporation…
  • Creative “Uncensored Message” ad that was framed as the “message my wife asked me not to write” to sell 900,000+ books in the self-incorporation industry…
  • Entertaining “Best Selling Author” ad to sell out his live webinar revealing exactly how sold more than 2,500,000+ million books and $200,000,000+ worth of products by direct mail…
  • Original “Give Me 30 Days” letter demonstrating how to combine storytelling, fascination bullets, and logical arguments to deliver a perfect pitch…
  • PLUS: 9 more ads written by Ted in niches like financial services, newsletters, subscriptions, books, making money, live seminars, mentorship, and more…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Ted’s “Legendary Leads” from this collection…
  • PLUS: An organized collection of Ted’s “Legendary Bullets” from this collection…

28 Rare-As-Hell Sales Letters & Newsletters From The Late, Great Clayton Makepeace…

Clayton made so much money in the 90s and early 2000s writing health and financial copy that he wound up living in a mansion in Florida next to the lead singer of ACDC.

Clayton’s copy sold over $2 billion worth of newsletters, supplements, and info products in that time. He was one of the best to ever do it, and you’d be smart to study the incredible hooks and big ideas he came up with in his copy.

In this collection, you’ll get 28 of Clayton’s best-performing and hard-to-find sales letters, including his…

  • Control-crushing “23¢ Life-Saver” package that used conspiracy to sell “the astonishing health miracle 1.5 million grateful patients swear by,” filled with Clayton’s top bullets, free reports, & offer sheets…
  • Inspiring “Give Me 90 Days” package filled with story, fascination bullets, & illustrations to launch one of his most successful health & healing subscription offers…
  • Revolutionary “7 Horseman” package that transformed the way fear, FOMO, and fast-action tactics were used in direct-response copywriting…
  • Screaming Eagle Issue #1: “21 Bullet Secrets That IGNITE The Selling Power Of Your Copy”…
  • Screaming Eagle Issue #10: “10 Surprisingly Simple Secrets of World-Class Guarantee Copy”…
  • Screaming Eagle Issue #16: “Secrets For Successfully Selling Information Products”…
  • PLUS: 7 additional complete direct-mail packages in industries like copywriting, making money, health and wellness, financial services, subscriptions, and more…
  • PLUS: 18 complete issues of Clayton’s incredibly rare “Screaming Eagle” newsletter covering everything from “credibility secrets,” “disarming secrets,” “confessions of a master closer,” “mastering the art of the big selling idea,” and a DOZEN more (you’ll ALSO receive this as a free gift in one of my first emails)…

In Total, You’ll Get All 1,749 Legendary Ads & Sales Letters From The Greatest Copywriters Of All Time…

You’ll have immediate and lifetime access to this collection forever…

You can access it from the Copy Legends App on both your phone and computer…

It’s always organized by copywriting and type (ads, sales letters, leads, bullets, etc.)…

So it’s always ready to access with just a few taps whenever you need creative inspiration for your next headline, bullet, hook, or unique mechanism…

This way you can study it, swipe it, and most importantly… profit from it…

I personally believe any serious copywriter or marketer would be silly to not have this collection.

So I’m also gonna make it as easy as possible for you to get your hands on.

If you’re tapped into the direct response space, you already know that…

Sales Page:_https://www.copylegends.com/products/swipe-vault

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