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[GroupBuy] DTC × Pilot House – Scale School (FB & IG Ads)


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You get exclusive access to all content delivered in a series of short, easy-to-understand videos:

Module 1 – Foundations For Scale

✔︎ Brand & Competitor Analysis

✔︎ Knowing Your Customer & Your Market

✔︎ Metrics That Matter & Why

✔︎ Customer Journey & Messaging

✔︎ Facebook Pixel Strategy

Module 2 – Creatives That Convert

✔︎ Insights Into Creatives That Convert

✔︎ Fast & Furious Creatives

✔︎ Polished Creatives

Module 3 – The Pilothouse 6-Step Strategy For Maximizing Profitability From Your Campaigns

Step 1 – Find Your Top 5 Angles

Step 2 – Copy + Angle Testing

Step 3 – Analyze Data and Uncover Your Winners

Step 4 – Identifying Creatives Needed

Step 5 – Audience Testing

Step 6 – Consolidate Winners Into Scale Campaigns

Module 4 – Strategies For Scale

✔︎ Attribution & The Eco ROAS 

✔︎ Bidding Types & When to Use Them

✔︎ Horizontal Scale Strategies

✔︎ Split Testing Pages & Funnels

✔︎ Split Testing Creatives & Copy

✔︎ Influencer & Whitelisting

✔︎ Budget Management & The Scaling Mindset

Module 5 – How to Build a Powerhouse Marketing Team

✔︎ When Should You Hire an Agency & What Should You Look For

✔︎ How to Hire Good Marketers

✔︎ How to Align Your Internal & External Marketing Teams

✔︎ Company Culture

Bonus Video – Navigating The Digital Landscape Post iOS15.

✔︎ What we are doing to mitigate iOS 

✔︎ Ecosystem ROAS across all platforms 

✔︎ Attribution

Who will benefit from Scale School?

✔︎ Independent small agency owners.

✔︎ Brand owners who want to do FB ads themselves.

✔︎ Brand owners who want to educate their internal marketing team.

✔︎ Agency owners who want to train their staff.

✔︎ Small / mid level media buyers looking to sharpen their skills + learn new strategies… 

Now, if you’re wondering about the price, relax…

We could have easily charged $10,000 or more for this value-packed course and it would still be a huge bargain… 

If you’re spending any money on Facebook and Instagram Ads, this course will teach you simple, easy to do things in your first viewing that you can apply right away to increase your conversions, and skyrocket your profit.

Think of the cost of this course, and think how any of the following (you’ll learn them all and more) could pay back the cost of this course tenfold.

✔︎ Multiple Creatives Strategies & Winning Creative Ideas

✔︎ How To Structure Your Testing Campaigns 

✔︎ New Scaling Methods To Unlock Hidden Revenue 

✔︎ How To Find New Angles & Customers

✔︎ How To Build A Powerhouse Marketing Team

✔︎ How To Win With Influencers

✔︎ And So Much More!


✔︎ 5 Training Modules

✔︎ Over The Shoulder Looks Building And Optimizing Live Accounts

✔︎ Full Notes And Slides For All Course Material, For Easy Copy Paste Internal Communications

✔︎ Over 7 Hours of Proven Facebook Strategy Content

✔︎ So Easy Your Kids Could Do It Creative Ad Templates

✔︎ Easy To Follow Workbook With Worksheets 

✔︎ Bonus Video – How to mitigate iOS 14.5 

Sales Page:_https://learn.directtoconsumer.co/lead-scaleschool

Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid